So you think sunshine is dangerous – think again! We all need sunshine! We evolved in sunshine and fresh air and we are dependent on sunshine for our very existence on every level. Somehow the benefits of sunshine have been forgotten. We now favor sunscreen made with unhealthy chemicals and an SPF of 50 on our skin rather than pure sunshine. Our bodies were designed to produce our own vitamin D3 in response to sunlight exposure, specifically the UVB band of the sun’s radiation. Nitric oxide, which makes you feel really good (nature’s natural high), is a byproduct of vitamin D3 synthesis that occurs when we expose our bodies to the sun. Full body exposure generates 10,000 IU (International Units) of vitamin D3 in about 15 minutes for very fair skin; up to 6 times that amount of time is needed to generate the same levels of D3 for dark skin.

For all you doubters that run from the sun and slather yourselves in SPF 50, please think again! We must get some sunshine on our skin to manufacture the absolutely essential vitamin D3 (also known as colecalciferol) our body needs. Supplementation can help, but the most balanced way of getting your levels up and maintaining them is through exposure to glorious sunshine.

10 reasons why sunshine and vitamin D3 are so important:

1- It has been shown that low D3 levels contribute to depression. Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD), aka wintertime depression, is caused by low D3 levels in the winter season when we have much less access to the sun on our skin.

2- Sunshine makes vitamin D3, which is essential for strong bones, strong muscles, and healthy joints.

3- Sunshine builds a strong immune system. Sunshine helps to make cathelicidin in our bodies; cathelicidin is a strong antibiotic that kills cancer cells, bacteria, and viruses.

4- Sunshine helps prevent the immune system form turning on itself causing autoimmune diseases. It helps prevent diabetes, autism, arthritis, M.S, fibromyalgia, among others.

5- Sunshine helps prevent chronic pain, which affects half the population on a daily basis.

6- Sunshine, because it creates vitamin D3, is important in absorbing calcium from our foods and depositing it in our bones, thus preventing calcification in breast tissue, muscles, and arteries.

7- Thirty minutes of sun exposure just 3 times a week has been shown to reduce blood pressure by 40 points.

8- Sunshine has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that prevent inflammation and free radicals in our food from attacking our body tissue. Vitamin D3 reduces swelling, thus reducing pain, and increasing flexibility. It also helps eliminate toxic compounds from our body.

9- Sunshine causes the brain to produce more endorphins, which lower anxiety and can help to cure and prevent depression, according to John Cannell, M.D. at Atascadero State Hospital in CA. Being in the sun can help you feel calmer!

10- Sunshine is linked to a really wonderful day in the garden!

To receive the benefits of sunshine and vitamin D3, let the sun hit your naked skin for at least a few minutes a day. In the winter, visit a tanning bed that advertises light bulbs that are UVB. You can also take a supplement. Always make sure it is vitamin D3 and take it with vitamin A, so it is balanced!

A good product that has a very good balance of fat-soluble vitamins is Green Pastures High Vitamin Butter Oil and Fermented Cod Liver Oil. Studies have shown that high levels of fatty acids and high mineral levels in the tissues of our bodies reduce the damage the sun can do to our skin and helps prevent sunburn. Bruce Fife N.D. writes in his books that raw, organic coconut oil is a great natural sunscreen. Slather it on and eat a tablespoon while you’re at it!

Be smart about the time you spend in the sun. Don’t overdo it. The right amount of sunshine will differ for each individual. Dark skin will need more time in the sun than fair skin to make healthy levels of vitamin D3. When you’ve had enough time in the sun, put your shirt and hat on, or go inside. Be thankful for the life-giving rays of the sun!


Cited References:

  1. Fife B., C.N., N.D., The Coconut Oil Miracle. Random House Publishing, Penguin Group; 2013. ISBN: 978-1-58333-544-4