Wheat’s Role with Inflammation
This is a companion article to my Four Reasons we have Inflammation post. Inflammation is such an important subject it requires further discussion. In this article I give you the low-down on the food that causes the most inflammation in the body: wheat. Wheat has been called the staff of life [...]
Four Reasons We Have Inflammation
Inflammation is a huge health concern and we are now learning that inflammation is the root cause of many disease processes, including major diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Not all inflammation is bad—it is necessary to initiate wound healing and activate the immune system—but when it does [...]
Sugar is Not Your Friend
Sugar. It is a huge part of the American diet. Humans love their sugar, so much so that the slave trade thrived hundreds of years ago for the sake of growing, harvesting, and processing this sweet, addicting substance. Unfortunately, it is a very dangerous substance. It is terribly addicting [...]
Tooth Decay: A Different Perspective
I have been thinking about tooth decay for quite awhile, and I feel it is time to offer a different perspective. I was taught as a child that cavities were caused by not brushing well enough–that if you brushed often and with meticulous care, you would not get cavities. [...]