Potty Talk – Is Gas & Bloating a Problem?
Hang tight, this article might make you uncomfortable, but it addresses something many people suffer from but few understand how to address: the health of your interiors. If you or someone you know suffers from gastrointestinal distress, please read on and learn about these real and important issues, which are [...]
Are You Pressured Up?
In this article, I discuss high blood pressure, a common problem for many people. New research shows that what we have been told for years—that salt causes hypertension—may not be so accurate. I also offer some workable alternatives to slashing sodium in your diet. High blood pressure (hypertension) is [...]
What’s Wrong with Superfoods?
How is it that some of the healthiest foods in the world can be so unhealthy, and even devastatingly destructive for some people? I’m not talking about deadly food allergies, I’m referring to oxalates. These molecules, found in plant foods in varying levels, are usually not a problem for [...]
Oh! but, Grandmother, What Foggy Brains you Have!
Reduced brain function does not have to be a natural part of aging. Certain foods—sugar in particular—can cause damage to our brain’s tissues and speed up cognitive decline, which can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. This New Year, I challenge you to reduce your sugar consumption [...]
When Healthy Foods are Not Healthy for You
Both food allergies and food sensitivities can cause big problems but the differences between the two are complicated. In this article I explain the importance of recognizing and addressing food sensitivities, which can lead to a healthy recovery. In my practice, I see plenty of people who deal with [...]
The Bad Fat
Not all fat is bad! Trans fat, hydrogenated through chemical processing, is toxic. In this article, I will discuss how trans fats are created and why they are so dangerous, as well as offer some wisdom on health-promoting fats that can reverse the damage. Trans fats have been in [...]